Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mason Walking

Here is Mason walking :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mason 1 year old!

These are all from Mason's 1 year birthday
August 22, 2010

My baby is 1!
8:08am (1 year later to the minute)
27 pounds
30 1/2 inches

Waving to grandma

Going out to celebrate!

A long day

Mason's First Birthday Party

These are all from Mason's birthday party
August 21, 2010

Mason's cake

Smasher cake

Mason's cake completed

Getting ready for the party

All decked out in Cars!

Patricia and Mason

Having fun!

First encounter with a balloon!

Mason's guests

Mason's guests

Mason's guests

Mason's guests

Mason's guests

Mason's guests

Aww! A kiss for grandma

Cake pre-smashing

Mason's future

What is this thing?

So, that's what you do with it!

Daddy showing Mason the ways


Now what?

Everyone is helping!


First and only taste of sugar
Result = he didn't like it

My clown makeup

The aftermath!

Everyone else's turn


My new Cars throne!

Look at all this stuff!